Thov xaiv Xim:
Vim li cas koj yuav hlub nws
√ Yooj yim
√ Kev nyab xeeb
√ Tag nrho cov hluav taws xob sib txuas
Nqe lus piav qhia:
Txhaum cov kev txwv ntawm lub sijhawm thiab qhov chaw, kom koj xav tias tuaj rau yav tom ntej.Kev sib xyaw ua ke pub dawb, muaj kev nkag siab zoo ntawm kev tsim.Kho lub chav nrog linear teeb.Nws tsis tsuas yog qhia qhov txuas ntxiv, tab sis kuj ua rau tag nrho qhov chaw ci ntsa iab thiab atmospheric.Cov chav ua qauv, khw muag khoom, chaw ua yeeb yam, chaw ua haujlwm, chav sib tham thiab lwm qhov chaw pej xeem feem ntau siv rau cov khoom no.
Ntau yam aluminium profile, siv rau ntau qhov chaw thiab qhov chaw.

Koj tuaj yeem hloov xim ntawm aluminium profile.thiab xaiv lub lens haum.

Kev teeb tsa
Lub teeb linear no muaj ob txoj hauv kev rau nruab: Recesed;Nto mounted.
Peb ib txwm xav thiab xyaum ua raws li qhov hloov ntawm qhov xwm txheej, thiab loj hlob tuaj.We aim at the achievement of a richer mind and body and also the living for Factory ua kub muag Tuam Tshoj Apt1202 Zoo heev Tsim Recessed LED Aluminium Profile Raws Plaster / Drywall rau 2835 SMD 60LED / M Sab Hauv Tsev LED Teeb Lub Txee, Vam tias peb tuaj yeem ua ntau dua muaj peev xwm zoo heev nrog koj los ntawm peb qhov kev sim siab yav tom ntej.
Koj tuaj yeem DIY los ntawm koj tus kheej.
Factory ua kub muag Tuam Tshoj Plaster Profile, Aluminium Profiles, Los ntawm adhering rau lub hauv paus ntsiab lus ntawm "tib neeg taw qhia, yeej los ntawm zoo", peb lub tuam txhab ua tsaug txais tos cov tub lag luam hauv tsev thiab txawv teb chaws tuaj xyuas peb, tham kev lag luam nrog peb thiab sib koom ua ib qho ci ntsa iab yav tom ntej.
KAVA yog lub tuam txhab kev lag luam teeb pom kev zoo thoob ntiaj teb nrog ntau tshaj 19 xyoo ntawm kev pabcuam thoob ntiaj teb.
Peb tau dhau CE, TUV, RoSH, SGS, UL, ISO9001 daim ntawv pov thawj zoo.

RoHS ntawv pov thawj

CE daim ntawv pov thawj

Patent daim ntawv pov thawj

SGS daim ntawv pov thawj

TUV certificate

CB daim ntawv pov thawj
Ntim thiab xa khoom

Pob 1

Pob 2

Pob 3
Warehouse tswj
Cov pob kws tshaj lij

Ntoo ncej

Non-fumigation ntoo thawv

Txhim kho logistics thiab kev thauj mus los

Tswj Kev Pabcuam Taug Kev

Tiv tauj peb
Tau txais cov khoom lag luam tshiab los yog cov lus hais
Email: Email: kava8@kavalight.comXov tooj: +86-189-2819-2842
los yog sau daim ntawv nug
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